What is the Disability Clothesline?
We started this project because people with disability and their families did not have a voice. When we tell our stories about abuse, neglect and violence, people do not always listen. But if lots of us tell our stories, people will listen. We want to tell our stories to the Australian community. We are going to do this by using tee shirts to share our stories. This will spread the message we want people to hear. 'Disability violence and abuse is not okay.' You can help us by telling your story. You can do this in a group of other people with disability, or by yourself. You may want to get together with some friends and organise a Clothesline Day. Any stories shared in a group must stay private. People can’t talk about other people’s stories outside the group. If you want to be part of the project, go to 'Get Involved'. Clotheslines are part of a national campaign against violence all over the world. You can see the New Zealand Disability Clothesline Project here. You can read the names of disabled people who have died because of violence, abuse or neglect here. |
White Flower Memorial
What is the White Flower Memorial? Click here to find out.
Join the Fight
Many disability activists, disability organisations and disabled people are
fighting for a Royal Commission into violence, neglect and abuse. If you want to be part of it, find out how to do it here. To join the call for a Royal Commission, click the button below to email government. |